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Caila Fautenberry

Caila Fautenberry, M Ed., BCBA received her B.S. in Applied Behavior Analysis and her M Ed. In Special Education from the University of Washington. Caila has been in the field of ABA since 2016. She has practiced as a BCBA since 2022 and as a Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst since 2020. She started KCABA with the intent to promote ethical, cultural, and neurodiverse affirming practices in ABA. In her free time, Caila enjoys fishing in the Puget Sound and hanging out with her cats.

Meet your team!

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Kav Seneviratna

Kavinda Seneviratna, MA, BCBA received his BSc in Psychology from the University of Southampton, UK, and in doing so discovered Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). He moved to the US from his native London to pursue an MA in Teaching as ABA from Teachers College, Columbia University, graduating in 2007.

Kav has worked for schools, families, children’s charities, clinics, and Local Authorities over the past 19 years in Europe, North America, and the Middle East. He became a BCBA in 2010 and a Licensed Behavior Analyst in Washington State in 2018. Kav started KCABA to team up with neurodiverse clients and families, striving and achieving positive outcomes. The mission is to provide high-quality support and compassionate care.


Leif Arvidson

Brigitte Bonaci

Brigitte Bonaci, MA., LaBA received her B.S. in Forensic Psychology and her M.A. in Global Strategic Communications from the Florida Institute of Technology, graduating in 2018. While attending university, Brigitte led social skills groups and received a Registered Behavior Technician training at the Scott Center for Autism treatment, located on campus. In 2020, Brigitte entered back into the field of Behavior Analysis as a Certified Behavior Technician and is now a Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst with the completion of coursework through the University of West Florida. Brigitte has now worked in ABA for four years and plans to continue in the field as a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst. In her spare time, Brigitte can be found rock climbing or practicing yoga.

Greg Atchison

Gregory Atchison is from Louisville, KY, and completed his B.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience from Centre College of Kentucky. He moved to the Greater Seattle area to find opportunities within the field of child developmental psychology and to give back and support the system and community of autism and child psychology specialists that assisted him when he was younger. Gregory explored various volunteer opportunities in college and thus started his journey towards helping those diagnosed with ASD and Asperger’s and providing the tools to lead a fulfilling life. Currently Gregory is pursuing his Master’s in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and has been in the field of ABA for five years.

In his free time, he likes to play video games and spend time with his cat.



Norma Breedlove

Morgan Chaney

Morgan Chaney, CBT, has been a CBT for four years and has worked in home, clinic and school settings. Morgan is currently working towards her Bachelor's in Applied Behavior Analysis at Ball State University. When she is not working or doing schoolwork she enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

Charlotte Dittmar

​Charlotte Dittmar, MA, CBT, I am 29, living in Issaquah with my partner Jaemen, and my dog, Frankie. I was adopted as a baby and have been lucky enough to connect with my birth family and develop the most special relationships with them. I am a graduate student from Ball State University, pursuing my goal to become a BCBA. One of my favorite things to do is eat and I love a good farmer’s market! My long term goal is to get a Doctorate’s Degree and become a therapist for families with, and, children with learning disabilities.

Heather Eddy

Jazmyn Gonzales

Jazmyn Gonzales, MA., LaBA received her B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Biology from Washington State University in 2020. During her time at WSU, Jazmyn became a Certified Behavior Technician and continued on after graduating. In 2021, she started her M Ed. In Special Education at the University of Washington. In November of 2022, she became a Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst. Jazmyn plans on graduating from the Masters program in June and continuing on to becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. In her free time, Jazmyn likes to read and practice yoga.

Hali Hall

Sarah Jarakji

​Sarah Jarakji, BA, MSc, CBT - I received my B.A. in Community Psychology from the University of Washington in 2017. After I graduated, I worked alongside a child psychologist in Amman, Jordan to assist in creating workshops and programs tailored to early education and child development. Later I moved to San Diego, California where I became a consultant in Relationship Development Intervention (RDI). I than moved to Washington, where I have been a Behavior Technician for over 4 years. In 2021, I started my Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis at Ball State University. In October of 2022, I graduated with my Masters in ABA and a certificate in Autism. I am currently working towards becoming a Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst and continuing on to becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. I love working with children and have a precious 4 year old daughter. In my free time, I love to spend time with my family, go on adventures, and cruise around on the coolest motorcycle in the world.

Silone Milka

​Silone Milka, CBT got her license in 2021. She loves working with kids and feels excited to learn more and become a LaBA and BCBA in the future. In her free time she loves to travel and go on adventures, as well as fitness and keeping active.

Juion Mitchell

Ashley Padilla

​Ashley Padilla, CBT, has been in the field as a CBT for about four months. She has four years of experience working with kids with all abilities. She was born in Puerto Rico and raised in U.S. She speaks fluent Spanish at home and English outside the home. In her free time, she enjoys exploring a vast array of indoor and outdoor activities with her two wild children of her own. She is excited to continue to grow as a CBT and meet your child where they are at, and experience growth together.

Kelly Peterson

​Kelly Peterson M.Ed; BCBA, LBA started her career as a behavior support aide in schools and continued on to be a behavior technician supporting students in homes, school, and the community. Kelly graduated with a BA in Elementary & Special Education in 2019 and started a career teaching special education. Since then she has gained experience in both self-contained and inclusive classrooms. She went on to graduate from Arizona State University in 2021 with an M.Ed in Special Education (Applied Behavior Analysis) and got her BCBA in 2021. While the majority of her career has focused on compassionate treatment of severe problem behavior, she enjoys designing skill acquisition programs in all areas. Outside of work, she likes spending time hiking and traveling with her wife.

Aurelia Rodriguez

Eva Star

Molly Van Hoy

​Molly has been a CBT for 6 years and has a broad working experience with kids ranging from ages 2-19. She loves helping kids expand their imaginative play skills and expressive language,  in order to build lasting social relationships with family and peers. Her interests include vinyl records, her cat Valerie, the Woodland Park Zoo, and painting animal portraits in her spare time. Molly is looking forward to furthering her career in ABA alongside KCABA staff.


Anthony Vasquez

Madison Walsh

​Madison Walsh, MA, BCBA, LBA, is a BCBA who received her Bachelors in Speech and Hearing Sciences at Washington State University. Madison then went on to receive her Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis and graduated in 2022. Madison has and continues to work in schools, clinics and in homes. Madison has been working with individuals 2-19 and strives to individualize all programming for her clients. In her free time she loves to crochet and spend time with the family.

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